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Centrale Internationale est un blog d'actualités et d'analyse entièrement rédigé par des élèves-ingénieurs de l’École Centrale Marseille.

Le fruit d’un module d’enseignement facultatif proposé aux élèves de 2ème année (M1), ce blog est « international » dans le vrai sens du terme car les articles sont écrits par des étudiants français et étrangers, dans neuf langues différentes, à partir de sources toutes aussi variées.

Il est le reflet non seulement d’un important travail linguistique, mais également d’une approche pédagogique innovante qui fait la part belle à l’autonomie et à l’initiative de l’apprenant.

La sélection d’articles que vous y trouverez témoigne à la fois des compétences et du sérieux, mais également de l’engagement et de la passion des personnes impliquées. Au-delà d’une simple production pédagogique, ces textes démontrent l’ouverture, la curiosité, et la réflexion d’un groupe de futurs citoyens du monde.

Bonne lecture !

Gérald Marquis, responsable de l’option

dimanche 11 janvier 2015

Clowning Around

Clowning Around

Scary clowns terrorize French cities

Olivier Roux, Arthur Donnadieu

Since mid-October an unlikely threat has appeared in towns across France: clowns. The recent arrest of 14 teenagers in Agde, in the south of the country, for harassing passersby while dressed as clowns is just one example of this so-called crime wave, which has spread from the north, where it began.
In response to this phenomenon, some teenage self-styled «clown hunters» (chasseurs de clown), have organized resistance groups, both on social networks and in the streets, leading to violent confrontations .

What's behind France's clown epidemic?

According to French police, social media and foreign influences might be responsible. After a group of clowns brandishing chain saws appeared in front of a primary school in northern France, the police suggested on Twitter that the clown gangs were inspired by the 1974 U.S. film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Events in Italy and America could also be possible sources of this outbreak.
There are the videos of the Italian duo « DM Pranks » titled « Killer Clown Scare Pranks » which show a comedian dressed as clown pretending to assault passersby.
Likewise, the new season of the TV show American Horror Story features evil clowns.

But, beyond these examples, the motives to dress up as a clown are questionable.

A very common fear

The irrational fear raised by these scary clowns exemplifies the universality of coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) and echoes popular culture, which has always shown the clown as an ambiguous character. Pascal Froissart, Doctor of Communication, says
« The clown has always carried in him the duality between humor and horror. He makes us laugh through absurdity, which is close to madness, close to irrationality. He is a disturbing icon, found in both the imagery of childhood and horror movies. »
Over the centuries, many people have darkened the image of the clown.
The most infamous was undoubtedly John Wayne Gacy, also known as « Killer Clown », an American serial killer who used to dress as « Pogo the Clown » to entertain children in hospitals.

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