
Bienvenue sur « Centrale Internationale »

Centrale Internationale est un blog d'actualités et d'analyse entièrement rédigé par des élèves-ingénieurs de l’École Centrale Marseille.

Le fruit d’un module d’enseignement facultatif proposé aux élèves de 2ème année (M1), ce blog est « international » dans le vrai sens du terme car les articles sont écrits par des étudiants français et étrangers, dans neuf langues différentes, à partir de sources toutes aussi variées.

Il est le reflet non seulement d’un important travail linguistique, mais également d’une approche pédagogique innovante qui fait la part belle à l’autonomie et à l’initiative de l’apprenant.

La sélection d’articles que vous y trouverez témoigne à la fois des compétences et du sérieux, mais également de l’engagement et de la passion des personnes impliquées. Au-delà d’une simple production pédagogique, ces textes démontrent l’ouverture, la curiosité, et la réflexion d’un groupe de futurs citoyens du monde.

Bonne lecture !

Gérald Marquis, responsable de l’option

vendredi 8 janvier 2016

Stonehenge may have been built 500 years earlier than thought- in Wales

                                          Is the mystery of Stonehenge about to be solved?

     Until now, it was believed that Stonehenge was erected in Wiltshire, southen England, around the year 2900 BC. However, new archaeological evidence suggests that the Neolithic monument may have first been built in Wales, and have remained there for 500 years until it was taken down and dragged to Wiltshire. Several holes were identified in Pembrokeshire, 225 km away from the current location of the monument, which fit perfectly with the shape, structure and size of the stones. So what we now know as Stonehenge may in fact be a second hand monument.
     "It’s most likely that the stones were first used in a local monument near the quarries. Then they were taken down and dragged to where they are now", says Mike Pearson, a professor at University College London who led the study. The questions of how were the stones dragged, and most importantly, why, remain unsolved.
     This new discovery has made the mystery of Stonehenge even deeper. For years scientists have been trying to find out how the monument was built and why. Specialists are divided: some say that Stonehenge was a temple, while others say that it would have been a source of astronomical knowledge to the Neolithic population. Now, however, years of intensive studies may have lost their value, and scientists seem to be back to square one.
     The team of archaeologists will continue to dig in the Welsh quarries in 2016, when Mike Pearson expects to finally be able to solve the mystery of Stonehenge.

Iohana Barros and Camila Birocchi


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