
Bienvenue sur « Centrale Internationale »

Centrale Internationale est un blog d'actualités et d'analyse entièrement rédigé par des élèves-ingénieurs de l’École Centrale Marseille.

Le fruit d’un module d’enseignement facultatif proposé aux élèves de 2ème année (M1), ce blog est « international » dans le vrai sens du terme car les articles sont écrits par des étudiants français et étrangers, dans neuf langues différentes, à partir de sources toutes aussi variées.

Il est le reflet non seulement d’un important travail linguistique, mais également d’une approche pédagogique innovante qui fait la part belle à l’autonomie et à l’initiative de l’apprenant.

La sélection d’articles que vous y trouverez témoigne à la fois des compétences et du sérieux, mais également de l’engagement et de la passion des personnes impliquées. Au-delà d’une simple production pédagogique, ces textes démontrent l’ouverture, la curiosité, et la réflexion d’un groupe de futurs citoyens du monde.

Bonne lecture !

Gérald Marquis, responsable de l’option

vendredi 8 janvier 2016

No more Hang production? Hang on! Here is some good news.

It’s a beautiful metallic shell with a captivating sound. Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer created the Hang in Switzerland in late 2000. This famous “sound sculpture”, inspired by instruments from all over the world such as the gong, the ghatam, the drum and the musical saw, was born after 25 years of hard work. In 2001, the inventors founded their own company called PANArt Hangbau AG.

The hang as designed by Felix and Sabina.

But in the winter of 2005, Sabine and Felix felt that there was too much pressure to produce the Hang in large quantities. Faced with the unexpected and probably undesired success of this instrument, the creators tried to discourage buyers, whom they found too numerous. In order to obtain a Hang, buyers had to send a personal statement and take delivery directly at the workshop in Switzerland. Despite these conditions, PANArt received more than 20,000 letters within 5 years.

In December 2013, the company announced that the Hang would no longer be made. Many companies tried then to seize the opportunity to produce similar instruments. Felix Rohner reacted by saying that if someone came across new instruments under the name of “Hang” or “Hang Drum”, these were not made by PANArt Hang Manufacturing. Unfortunately, this kind of trademark abuse occurs time and again. The company was actually closed to the public for several months so that designers could devote the time and care appropriate to manufacture each instrument ordered before production ended.

The good news is that PANArt tuners are now concentrated on a new instrument, the Gubal, which was introduced in summer 2013. Unlike the Hang, the round resonance opening of the Gubal is located in the middle of the upper side of the instrument. PANArt tuners don’t see their newest invention as another version of the Hang but as a new instrument, thanks to the “Gu” sound heard while playing the Gubal.

From the Hang to the Gubal

On PANArt’s YouTube channel, you can find numerous videos that give a first impression of the Gubal. Be sure to use good headphones or speakers while listening to the videos. Otherwise, you won’t hear the deep characteristic “Gu” sound.

Chaimae Ammor


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